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Mortality Factors for Valuation

This series of reference works specializes in probabilities and factors which forensic economists, valuation experts, and attorneys will frequently find useful.  Encompassing everything from age-based conditional probabilities of death and cumulative survival probabilities to factors made specifically for calculating the present values of remainder perpetuities and life annuities, this series provides professionals with estimators which cannot be found elsewhere.



Age-Based Conditional Probabilities of Death

Each edition of Age-Based Conditional Probabilities of Death is based on the annual revisions of the NCHS Life Tables.

The first edition was based on the 2012 NCHS Life Tables.


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This 681-page volume provides 18 different demographic conditional probabilities of death tables calculated based on values from the most recent NCHS Life Tables.  Each table provides probabilities of dying at some future point in time conditioned on a ‘Current Age’ between 0 and 99 plus a group ages 100 and over.  The values for any given column sum to the value of one.  Thus, older individuals have higher conditional probabilities of death at a given future age than younger individuals will have at the same given future age.  This is an in-depth extension of the marginal probabilities of death contained in the NCHS Life Tables.  The 18 demographics match the 18 demographics from the NCHS Life Tables.



Age-Based Cumulative Probabilities of Survival

Each edition of Age-Based Cumulative Probabilities of Survival is based on the annual revisions of the NCHS Life Tables.

The first edition was based on the 2013 NCHS Life Tables.


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This volume contains 18 different cumulative probabilities of survival tables.  Based on values from the most recent NCHS Life Tables, these tables of cumulative survival probabilities are a useful and time-saving resource for forensic economists, valuation experts and attorneys.  Cumulative survival probabilities are provided for every ‘Current Age’ at every ‘Future Age’ between 0 and 99, plus a group ages 10 and over.



Life Expectancy Based Remainder Perpetuity Present Value Factors

Each edition of is based on the annual revisions of the NCHS Life Tables and is split into 3 volumes.

The first edition was based on the 2012 NCHS Life Tables.

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Vol. 1        Vol. 2        Vol. 3


This 3-volume work provides 18 different demographic tables for remainder perpetuity present value factors for secondary beneficiaries.  The factors in these tables have been calculated relying on the traditional estimation of life expectancy.  The tables are arranged specifically so that a factor can be found by using a demographic and current age of the primary beneficiary as well as any combination of discount and growth rates (for all discount rates between 1% and 30%).



Probability Adjusted Remainder Perpetuity Present Value Factors

Each edition of is based on the annual revisions of the NCHS Life Tables and is split into 3 volumes.

The first edition was based on the 2012 NCHS Life Tables.

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Vol. 1        Vol. 2        Vol. 3


This 3-volume work provides 18 different demographic tables for remainder perpetuity present value factors which can be used to estimate the present value of a remainder perpetuity for secondary beneficiaries given a demographic and current age of the primary beneficiary as well as any combination of discount and growth rates (for all discount rates between 1% and 30%).  These factors have been calculated considering the conditional probabilities of death (found in the Age-Based Conditional Probabilities of Death for the same year) rather than the traditional estimation of life expectancy.  The use of conditional probabilities of death produces more accurate factors.  Factors based on the traditional life expectancy generates vastly under-estimated present values of remainder perpetuities.

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